Sunday, July 31, 2011

Simply Sunday- Today is Your Day!

Hi Everyone!

What a crazy week at work this week!  I am so glad to be back to "normal" (what ever that is!).

This week's Simply Sunday Challenge at Getting Cricky with K Andrew is all about positive thoughts.

Sometimes the craziness of work, friends, or family situations will cloud our minds. 
It is in these times, that it is truly important to keep positive thoughts and remember- that most times- the things that make us crazy, are also the things that we love the most! 

Today is Your Day!!
Be Happy In It!

All stamps are back in stock so stop by the store and order yours today.
(Also, check out the new sets available for pre-order!)

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another Day...

Hi Everyone!
I'm still on my bicycle kick!  (See previous post)

3 more days, and RAGBRAI is done for another year.  I don't have to do anymore inspections for it- until next year.

There are all kinds of people who ride.  Some of the things you see are amazing!

Okay- I didn't see the last one!  LOL!  That one's my project.  BUT- I bet that somewhere in that crowd, there Was a raccoon riding a bike!

(I used Campin' Critters and Pink by Design's Woodland Critters)


Monday, July 25, 2011

What Brings You Joy?

Hi Everyone!

This week is really busy at work!  Here's what I'll be doing...

This week in Iowa is the 39th  Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa- or RAGBRAI (for short).  What this is - is exactly what it says.  It's a week long bike ride across the entire state of Iowa.  It's a HUGE bike ride across the state of Iowa!  10,000+ riders, riding their bikes- on the same route- AT THE SAME TIME-  across the state of Iowa.  Lots of people, lots of partying, and lots of food (that's where I come in).  My day job (the one that pays the bills) is for the State of Iowa as a Food Inspector.  I inspect restaurants, bars, grocery stores, county fairs, festivals- any place food is sold to the public- I check it out to make sure it is safe.  This is the job I have always wanted- it makes me happy!

It brings me Joy.

Webster's Dictionary defines Joy as:  the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires; a state of happiness.

Everyone needs to have joy in their life.  It doesn't have to come in a huge form- it doesn't have to knock you over with a big- "Hey! Here I am, here's your big bowl of sunshine today!"  
Joy- to me, comes in the little things- like my daughter coloring a picture for me and writing, "You're the best Mom ever" on it, or a phone call from I friend I haven't spoken to in a year, or finding a five dollar bill at the bottom of my purse!  
Joy is Happiness- big and small.
This week of RAGBRAI is not necessarily a joyous time for me- it's hot, crowded, smells bad, and quite honestly, I'm a mess by the end of the week.  But- it's part of my job- and my job makes me happy!

My other "job" is the Getting Cricky Design Team.  My term is coming to an end- and that does not make me feel joyous  *sad face* and you know what they say, "all good things must come to  an end" *sad face again*.  Kristal Andrew is amazing and she makes me happy *happy face*.  She is the reason that I am focused on the feeling of Joy today.

One of Kristal's favorite things is her bicycle that her boys gave her for Mother's day.
(photo borrowed from Kristal's Facebook page)
This picture is what I am going to think of this week when I am at work.  Do you see the look of pure Joy on her face!?!  That's what I'll be thinking of when I am dealing with this.....
AND This...
AND this......

Breakfast Burritos
Pork Chops
Pork Chops From a bus that looks like a PIG!
The Wlison Family from Ames, IA 2010
 OK- this one is pretty cool.  I actually saw them last year, and as they rode by- the cheers and applause from the crowd of people was amazing!  I was so happy to witness a moment like that! 
A moment of Joy.

In honor of Kristal and to kick start my RAGBRAI week, I made a project for the occasion.

It's a shaker card!  (Thanks for the inspiration and Tutorial Erika!)
The image was cut at 5" from Car Decals and the sentiment if from K Andrew Designs Food for Thought set.  All stamps are in stock again and ready to be shipped!!

A few challenges:
Crafty Sprouts- Shaker Card
Paper Cutz Challenge- Anything Goes
Scrapbookaholic by Abby- Anything Summer
Crazy 4 Challenges- Shaker Card

I would love the hear what brings you Joy.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Winner, Winner, Winner!

Thank you to everyone who joined the Getting Cricky Design Team for the Operation Owl Blog Hop this weekend.  Since our Design Team term is coming to an end- this hop was put together to tell Kristal Thank You for everything she has done for us.

The winner of my Blog Candy (chosen by is......
Teela- who said "Today I wish the best of Gods peace and rest for Kristal. She's alway giving of herself to others and I think this blog hop is a great way to sho K that we love her. Thank you for your part in this. You've got a great blog! I'm a follower and hope you'll follow me."  (I do!) 

Teela- I'll be sending you and e-mail to get your address so I can send out your goodies!

Thanks for stopping by! 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Simply SundayChallenge: Freedom Isn't Free

For the "Operation Owl Blog Hop" click HERE

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for joining us!

This week's challenge is focused on the Freedom Isn't Free stamp set by K Andrew Designs.

I used my Gypsy to create the "My Hero" and the ribbon was some that I picked up at my LSS.
I stamped "Soldier"  and "Marine" from the Freedom Isn't Free set.

For more great projects from the Getting Cricky Design Team, featuring this stamp set- 
check out last weekends Getting Cricky Blog Hop honoring our Fallen Heros.

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Welcome to the "Operation Owl Thank You" Blog Hop!!

Hi Everyone!
Today the Getting Cricky design team and some special guests are coming to you for a special blog hop "thanking" Kristal for all she has done for us. 
 We will each be featuring special "Thank You" card to be mailed to Kristal. 

Our Design Team term is coming to an end and we just want to be sure to let Kristal know how much she has meant to us over the last 3 month. 
 Wow, how time flies when you are having fun.  
If you are interested in participating, you can add your card to the link below and mail them to the address here.

If you've hopped along from Charlotte's blog then you are in the right place!! If you are just joining me from your dashboard, or reading this via email, please be sure to CLICK HERE to start at the beginning with Brenda's blog (I wouldn't want you to miss a THING!!)...

We have some Grand Prize Blog Hop CANDY for one lucky WINNER!!!  
Amy Chomas has graciously donated a mini gel pen set and holder
as our grand prize and some of the ladies have also added to the pot (surprise package).  

You must go to each blog and leave a comment (following would be nice also) to qualify for the grand prize.  

Brenda will be picking one lucky winner on Wednesday, July 27th.  So make sure to go back here and see if you won.

Here's my Thank you card to the 
Fabulous Miss Kristal!!
(I used the Food For Thought stamp set!)

 I have some candy of my own for you.  

Just leave a comment below finishing this sentence-
"Today I wish........"
(Just want to make sure you're actually reading this- lol!) will choose a winner Monday morning!

Now head on over to Rebecca and check out what she has in store for you, and if you get lost along the way, here is your lineup.  

Amy Chomas
Kathy T     
Kathy P     

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blog Hop Alert!

Hi Everyone!

Whooo wants to join me and some other very talented ladies on Saturday July 23, 2011 for the Operation Owl Blog Hop?

The fun begins at 8:00am (I know- it's kind of early for an Owl!).

Hope to see you there!

Thanks for stopping by!


MPS has a Challenge going on right now to use the colors Orange, Green, Turquoise, Brown, and a color of your choice (I chose Yellow).  This was such a great color combination that I was immediately inspired to create something!

Here's what I came up with!

A2 sized card.
Orange layer cut at 5.25"x4" and embossed with the Cuttlebug Birds & Swirls folder.  The embossing was inked with orange ink to add some depth.
A Turquoise ribbon was wrapped around the orange layer and tied into a little bow.
Cindy Loo page 71- cut at 4.5"
CI cut this image 4 times.  Green layer-left as is.  Brown- trimmed off the leaves.  Turquoise- trimmed off all but the bird and the frame.  Tahiti DCWV Stack- Trimmed all but the frame.
Added dimension to the cuts by outlining each layer with Le Plume markers and highlighting some of the leaves with Sakura Gelly Roll Pens.
The sentiment is from Studio G and was placed into a flattened bottlecap and flooded with Glossy Accents to give it some shine.

I hope you like my card!  Make sure to check out all of the other talented entries- they're awesome!

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Winner, Winner, Winner!

Hi Everyone!
Thank you all for joining me at the Getting Cricky Blog Hop to honor fallen Soldiers this weekend. chose the winner of my blog candy.
And the winner is:  Lynda

Lynda said... I love your card! You did a great job! I would like to thank all of the women in my family who have always been like a mother to me. Without thier love and support I would not have been able to get where I am today. I would also like to thank my wonderful boyfriend who always encourages me to keep going for my dreams and for being my best friend.

Lynda, I'll be sending you and email, so please contact me with your mailing address and I'll get your goodies sent out!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thank You!

Hi Everyone!  
I was very inspired and so touched at all of the wonderful comments from the Getting Cricky Blog Hop this past weekend.  Thank you all for making it so special! 

This month's hop was in support our fallen HEROES... each Design Team member featured a special "Thank You" card to be delivered during the "Run for the Fallen" in Maine...and featured the FREEDOM isn't Free stamp set.

This post is quite long- but so worth the read. 
I plan to print this post and send it along with my card!
As part of my blog candy "requirement", I asked everyone to tell me who  they would like to thank for making their lives a little better.
Here's what they said....

JulieK (Me)- I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all of the Military in this fine Country.  If you are a member of the Military, or if you have a child, another family member, or a friend who is-- Thank you for everything that you do!  It is people like you, who make life (as I know it) possible.

Brenda said....I would like to thank all my family and friends and those I don't know but who have or are serving our wonderful country. I salute you.

Patricia said... Afer losing my DH, I was lost, my sister came to live with me, thank you dear sister.
Jill Angel said... I want to thank everyone who has served or is serving to protect our freedom!

Lisa said... I would like to thank everyone who has served our great country, both past and present, dead and alive, for keeping the USA home of the free and land of the brave :)

Lindsey said...I would like to that my Mom...I wouldn't be the teacher I am without her.

Barb said... I would like to thank my father for his military service.

CRAZY4CHRIST said...I would like to thank my family for taking my daughter and myself in after I left an abusive marriage!! As well I would like to thank God for taking care of me and my daughter through everything and never leaving our sides!!

1scrapinmamaof2 said...  I am grateful to so many people but would like to thanks the soldiers who fight for us everyday. I am eternally grateful. 
3Sunshine HoneyBee said... Want to thank all the people who have served to give us our freedom which is not free by any means. Have Military background in my family. Hubby served during Vietnam war.  
5Dee Burns said... I want to thank my wonderful husband for being my best friend. More than anything I want to thank the BRAVE men and women of our INCREDIBLE "AMERICAN" MILITARY...they are AMERICA'S HEROES. 
7DIANA L. said...  There are so many people to thank I would have to go on and on, but I thank God for giving me the Life I have and all the blessing sin it.
9Charlotte said...  We just cannot thank you military enough for the job they do. My daddy and all of his brothers were US Marines in WWII. My daddy was critically injured on Guam. He is 87 years old and continues to have complications from his injuries. Two of his brothers were in the Korean War where one was a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. They are all my heros.
11Vicki said...  I wish I could thank my neighbor Steve. Forty two years ago he gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving in Vietnam at only 21 years of age. 
14Jennifer said... We all need to give thanx to our soldiers!! They have made the ultimate sacrifice!!
16Jenny said... I would like to thank my husband Jason who was deployed twice while in the Army. He is my hero.
18NanetteMT said... I would like to thank God for helping me day by day. He is always with me! I would also like to thank all the military people who enable me to have the freedom to worship God in this country!
20Pam said... My family is full of soldiers, from Navy, Air Force, and Marines. My Grandfather, My Father, My husband, My Uncle, My husband's Father who survived D-Day!. All of them are Heroes to me, along with any man, or woman who has ever served. We as a nation owe all we are as a nation to our men and women in uniform. Thank You, all of you!
22Amanda said... My husband makes my life so much easier! 
24McVic said...  I would have to thank my family for giving me a great foundation for the love of god, and country.
26Shannen said...I would like to thank my family, for all of the "stuff". You know, the everyday stuff that families are there for, cups of coffee and pieces of advice that help shape life's journey. I am VERY blessed.
mamawcindy said... I am so Thankful to God for being with me. My family and I have been going through some really tough times lately and so Thankful to all of the Military Men and Woman for their Service and Sacrifice.
31Mommy's Crafty Creations said...I would say that I would thank my hubby for always being there for when I need a lift on a hard day and my daughter for making my day better with just a smile.
33Amy E said...I couldn't even begin to list all the friends and family members who have served to make my life better. I love them all!
35Cathy said... I would like to thank everyone who has ever served, they all made a difference over the years, if not for me...for someone.
37shersl84bed said... I'd like to thank my brother who served in the army and my grandfather's who served before him, and to all the other men and women who have served and are still serving.
39Dawn, RI said...I would like to thank God for giving me my 2 grandchildren, Jaysn and Danielle. They give me Joy.
42 Jen_H said... I would love to thank not only the people who serve in the military but also their family at home. It is hard on everyone involved. Personally my mom and my hubby (who has done a tour in Iraq) for making my life wonderful. I couldn't survive without you. They are my heroes.
44JustMeJustina said...I would like my parents for being so strict and keeping me on the right track.  
46Carrie said...I would thank my husband, who has always gone above and beyond anyone else to give me support and encouragement. I'm so blessed to have him!
48Pixichick said...I would have to thank my husband for being so supportive an understanding of me, especially with my crazy family.
50Lynda said...I would like to thank all of the women in my family who have always been like a mother to me. Without their love and support I would not have been able to get where I am today. I would also like to thank my wonderful boyfriend who always encourages me to keep going for my dreams and for being my best friend. 
52littlen said... I would like to thank all those who serve and protect us daily.
54Kelly S said...I would like to thank the members of our military for serving our country. And on a more personal note, I would like to thank my husband and son for making everyday sweeter than the last.
56*Star said...I would like to thank all the men and women that serve our country and especially my 2 brothers and their wives for so willing doing that for all of us.
58Amy said...I, too, am so incredibly grateful for all that our military men and women do for us... I cannot imagine the tremendous sacrifice they all make. 
60CathyinMN said... I would like to thank my parents for always being there for me, and my husband. I would also like to thank all of the people in the military who are risking their lives to keep this country free. 
62Jennifer S. said... I would like to thank my husband, my son, my father, my grandfather and several uncles who have made my life possible with the freedom that I have in this great country!
65Did anyone tear up!?!  
66I know I did- - several times.
68Please make sure you stop by to visit each of these wonderful ladies and give them some blogging love.
70Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Getting Cricky Blog Hop!

Hi Everyone and welcome to the Getting Cricky with K Andrew Blog Hop!  If you arrived here from Becky's blog, you are in the right place.   If you just happened to stop by to see me today (Thanks!) make sure you go and start at the beginning of the hop so you don't miss a thing!
This month we are supporting our fallen HEROES... We will each be featuring special "Thank You" cards to be delivered during the "Run for the Fallen" in Maine..."Run for the Fallen Maine is an organization dedicated to keeping alive the memory of our military heroes that gave their lives to protect our freedom since September 11, 2001.

On Sunday August 21, 2011 the 4th run to honor our heroes will be held. This is a 65 kilometer event with each kilometer being dedicated to the memory of one of our heroes that lived in Maine, had family from Maine, or had some ties to our home State."

One of our Design Team Sisters, Rebecca of The Crafting Misfit, will be hand-delivering these cards during this very special event... If you would like to help support this cause, there will be an opportunity for you to also make a card for the event.  The organization is also accepting donations for the event. You can find more information about donating by clicking HERE...

I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all of the Military in this fine Country.  If you are a member of the Military, or if you have a child, another family member, or a friend who is-- Thank you for everything that you do!  It is people like you, who make life (as I know it) possible.

A little blog candy for one lucky follower.

Just leave a comment below telling everyone who You would like to thank for making your life a little better. will choose a winner and I will post on Monday.

 Our special Guest Designer for this month's hop is Amy Chomas!!  Amy is the creator and designer of Chomas Creations.  Her family makes her products right here in the USA, and they ship each package out themselves.  Amy's mini gel pens and gel pen holders are the perfect accessory for any Cricut or Silhouette owner!!  She also features a mini marker holder and embossing kit that will take your crafting to new levels!!  To see more of Amy's incredible products, please click on her blinkie below:

Your next stop is Rebecca!
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

You are Amazing!

Hi Everyone!
Cleo's awake and ready to craft- So....

Here's a card we made today.
She's such a good little helper- when she's not laying on my paper and  knocking over my projects!  (Or sleeping!)

This is a 5"x5" card.
The shape is cut from Elegant Edges at 4.5".  The flowers are drawn in with my Cricut Markers, and the sentiments are from K Andrew Designs "Amazing You" stamp set.
This stamp set is fantastic!  You can mix and match and come up with your own sayings- Perfect for capturing whatever you want to express.
A portion of each sale goes to benefit Doorways for Women & Families ( an organization helping those escape and survive domestic violence).  Currently this set is out of stock (very popular!)- but you can still place an order!!  Don't delay!

Make sure you come back tomorrow for the Getting Cricky Blog Hop!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When the Mice are Away.....

Hi Everyone!
I finally had a chance to sit down tonight and catch up on my blogging and see what everyone has been up to!
My sweet kitty Cleo likes to hang out with me when I'm at the computer.  I think she's a little sleepy tonight!  (These pictures were all taken within 1 minute!)
I'm sleepy.
I'm just gonna close my eyes for a......

I think she's got the right idea!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

**Bolg Hop Alert!

Getting Cricky Blog Hop - Are you ready for some fun?

Who's ready for another Getting Cricky Blog Hop (and GIVEAWAYS!)???

Getting Cricky Blog Hop

It's a "Let's Get Cricky" Blog Hop
YOU are invited!!

When: This Friday, July 15th beginning at 8:00pm CST and continuing through Sunday...
Why: To support our fallen HEROES... We will each be featuring special "Thank You" cards to be delivered during the "Run for the Fallen" in Maine..."Run for the Fallen Maine is an organization dedicated to keeping alive the memory of our military heroes that gave their lives to protect our freedom since September 11, 2001.

On Sunday August 21, 2011 the 4th run to honor our heroes will be held. This is a 65 kilometer event with each kilometer being dedicated to the memory of one of our heroes that lived in Maine, had family from Maine or had some ties to our home State."

One of our Design Team Sisters, Rebecca of The Crafting Misfit, will be hand-delivering these cards during this very special event... If you would like to help support this cause, there will be an opportunity for you to also make a card for the event (stop back on Friday for all the details)... The organization is also accepting donations for the event. You can find more information about donating by clicking HERE...
Where: Begins at Getting Cricky with K Andrew and includes the Design Team and a Special Guest...
What to bring: YOU!! Of course, sharing this special occasion with others is welcome and appreciated!!
See you all then!!